LBJ signs Medicare Act

In the beginning: Medicare and Medicaid

The law LBJ signed on July 30, 1965 directly affects more than 100 million Americans

Shield of the Republic

What's at Stake in the Global 2024 Elections

On the Shield of the Republic podcast, Eric Edelman discusses upcoming elections around the world

Spring 2024 Illumination

Spring edition of 'Illumination'

The new edition of the Miller Center magazine is now available


Toward a more responsible and effective presidency

Dozens of experts participated in the Miller Center's Conference on the American presidency

Rotunda at night

Scholarship in the public interest

The Miller Center relies on the generous gifts of families, individuals, and foundations


Miller Center Studies on the Presidency

The Miller Center's special imprint at UVA Press advances scholarship on the American presidency


Miller Center Governing Council

The Miller Center's Governing Council is a diverse board of directors that guides our nonpartisan work on presidential scholarship, public policy, and political history, providing critical insights for the nation's governance challenges.